The New Samsung Ballie Rolling Robot 2024 is an AI ball?

Samsung Ballie

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=>Check the points below to see the Samsung Ballie robot information in details are:-

  1. You do not always have time to get everything done but the Samsung Ballie rolling robot can help.
  2. It’s equipped with a projector AI and smart home connectivity.
  3. Autonomous Home Assistance which means that Ballie autonomously navigates the home managing appliances and learning from user habits to offer personalized assistance.
  4. The onboard projector can send video updates when users are away.
  5. It can also project videos and handle calls.
  6. Versatile Home Management it means that this rolling robot handles tasks like providing video updates on pets or family members, adjusting ambiance and assisting in activities like workouts or relaxation.
  7. Ambience Setting meanwhile this AI rolling robot can set the ambiance in your home by controlling the lights or playing music.
  8. Its adaptability enhances productivity and enjoyment within the home environment.
  9. The new version is designed to be a companion an entertainment device and a roving guard dog with its front and rear cameras.
  10. Ballie can follow you around the house come when called and can even greet you at the door.
  11. With its ability to control smart devices like lights and thermostats
  12. The onboard projector is one of its most interesting capabilities as it is the first projector to automatically detect peoples posture and facial angle and adjust the optimal projection angle for you.
  13. Samsung robot is the second AI assistant to be announced today after LG’s Smart Home AI agent but Ballie wins points for the better name.
  14. Samsung says that its AI robot Ballie can be connected to these smart devices and appliances at home so owners can take some household chores off their workload and share them with the robot.
  15. As routines and patterns recur Ballie remembers them so the next time the owner wants to do something like say switch on a lamp at a specific hour the AI robot is already ahead of the user and turns it on or off for them.
  16. The AI robot can also automatically answer phone calls when the owners are too busy to pick up the phone.
  17. It rolls close to them so the owners can converse with the caller and they can hear their responses through the built-in speakers.
  18. Ballie can also display current news and events including weather updates on any surfaces the owners wish and because of its installed projector, sensors and cameras.
  19. Samsung’s AI robot can also become a sizeable monitor screen for work or school.
  20. Samsung’s AI robot roams around independently
  21. It’s AI sensors and cameras allow it to take control of the smart devices and appliances at home
  22. The users can flash their work calls on any surface using the projector of Ballie

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